On February 12th 2011, first meeting of Joint Management Committee (JMC) was held at Missan Oil Company office, located in Alamarah city, Missan Province, Iraq. Representatives from CNOOC Iraq Limited, Missan Oil Company (MOC), Petroleum Contracts & Licensing Directorate (PCLD), Turkiye Petrolleri Anonim Ortakligi (TPAO) and Iraqi Drilling Company (IDC) participated this meeting.
On the first JMC meeting, members of JMC elected Mr. Jamiel Sh. Hussain as JMC Chairman, Mr. Chu Yanqun as Deputy Chairman and Mr. Yu Jin as Secretary. Meanwhile, Mr. Naeem Abdullah Salman and Chu Yanqun were appointed as FOD General Managers, Mr. Yu Jin as the HSSE Superintendent.
Over two days’ discussion on the meeting, all parties accepted JMC Work Procedure and approved Work Plan and Budget for the year 2011 proposed by the Lead Contractor.