Long Term Supply Spare Parts of General Instrument and Control System for DGS and BUT
Provision of Rental Gas Turbine Power Plant for Missan Oilfields
Drilling Technical Personnel Service
7inch Casing Emergency Purchase
Routine Maintenance and Operation Service for Camp Facilities
Long Term Supply of Generator Spare Parts
Hand Tools and Equipment for New Workshop
Casing Head Supply for Y2025-Y2027
Workbase 10MW Photovoltaic Power Station Project
Purchase Asphalt Inhibitor
ICT Operation and Maintenance Service
Technical Survey for Demining in Missan Oilfields
Long Term Supply of Valves Material (3 years)
Tires, Lube oil and Vehicles Batteries for all FOD Vehicles and Equipment
CCTV System Operation and Maintenance Service
Renovation Project for Old DGS
Fire Trucks Maintenance
Third party inspection service for FOD Equipment
DGS Water Injection Tank Maintenance
Crude Oil Storage Tanks Calibration Service
On May 17th 2010, CNOOC Limited (CNOOC Ltd.) announced that the company, via its wholly owned ...
On 20th December 2010, China National Offshore Oil Corp. Ltd. (CNOOC Ltd.) announces that contract ...
On February 12th 2011, first meeting of Joint Management Committee (JMC) was held atoffice, located...